2023–2024 Job Market Candidates
The 2023-2024 placement director is Fei Li.
Ihsan Alp
Platform Competition and Product Differentiation in Two-Sided Markets: Insights from the Vacation Rental Industry
Industrial organization, Applied microeconomics
Yanru Lee
The Global Latent Risk Factor in Corporate Debt Distress: Frailty and Spillover Effects
International finance, Empirical finance
Noah Lyman
Reputation, Entrenchment, and Dynamic Managerial Incentives
Applied microeconomics, Labor economics, Applied microeconometrics
Katsuhiko Nishiyama
Medical Debt, Self-Insurance, and the Value of Health Insurance for the Non-Elderly
Labor economics, Health economics, Applied microeconomics
Alex Weng
Depression and Risky Health Behaviors
Applied Microeconomics, Mental Health, Labor Economics, Economics of Education
Lu Yi
The Evolution of Equity Ownership: Declining IPOs, the Rise of Private Markets, and Economic Dynamism
Finance, Financial econometrics