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Three of our graduate students received macroeconomics-oriented summer internships this year.

  • Karlye Dilts Stedman will be a research intern in the Western Hemisphere Department of the International Monetary Fund. Her current research at UNC examines spillovers from unconventional monetary policy in advanced economies to emerging markets.  At the IMF, she will assess the external competitiveness of Argentina.
  • Ryan Leary will have two internships in Washington, DC.  His research in Chapel Hill has addressed the effect of capital flows from the rest of the US on the macroeconomic performance of Puerto Rico.  For the first half of the summer he will intern at the Congressional Budget Office; he will then move out Constitution Avenue for a dissertation internship at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
  • Gonzalo Asis will be an intern at the hedge fund Tiger Management LLC.  His current research focuses on corporate fragility in emerging markets and its effect on the global economy.  This internship will provide him with the opportunity to view this phenomenon through the private-sector perspective.

Congratulations to all three!


(In photo, from left:  Ryan Leary, Karlye Dilts Stedman, Gonzalo Asis)

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