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Following the example set by the organizers of the Triangle Microeconomics Conference, we launched the Triangle Applied Micro Conference in April 26, 2019. In this first edition of the conference the set of speakers included faculty and advanced graduate students from the economics departments at UNC, Duke, and NCSU. The conference also included keynote lectures from two distinguished researchers from Yale and the University of Pennsylvania. Conference participants included faculty and graduate students from the economics departments and public policy schools at UNC, Duke, and NCSU as well as researchers from other institutions in the Triangle area.

The Triangle Applied Micro Conference aims to include research in Applied Microeconomics in fields including, but not limited to, Labor, Education, Development and Health.

The conference was funded by the three organizing institutions (UNC, Duke, and NCSU), hosted at the Sanford School of Public Policy (Duke), and it was co-organized by Andrés Hincapié (UNC), Arnaud Maurel (Duke), and Melinda Morrill (NCSU).

Written by: Andrés Hincapié

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