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Andrea Lanteri (Duke)

Gardner 211 UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Andrea Lanteri will present: "The Market for Used Capital: Endogenous Irreversibility and Reallocation over the Business Cycle"

Andrea Lanteri (Duke)

Gardner 211 UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

All seminars are held on Fridays at 3:30-5pm in seminar room Gardner 211, unless otherwise stated More about Andrea Lanteri...

Susan Ettner (UCLA)

Great Hall, Trent Semans Center for Health Education 8 Searle Ctr Drive, Durham, NC, United States

Title: Improving Access and Treatment of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders: How Far Can Policy Take Us? Location/Time: 4 pm, Trent Semans Great Hall, Duke (William Anlyan MD and Richard Jenrette Lecture)

Michael Dinerstein (U Chicago)

Gardner 211 UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Michael Dinerstein presenting: Consumer Price Search and Platform Design in Internet Commerce