Undergrad leftovers
2. New courses: Starting in 2018-19 we will offer new courses on:
- Game Theory (ECON 411). An introduction to strategic interaction in markets and beyond.
- Pre-requisite ECON 410 or permission of instructor
- Econometrics (ECON 470)*. An overview of concepts and methods for data analysis.
- Pre-requisite ECON 400 and 410
- Economics of Education (ECON 551). Theory and evidence on the impact of education and related public policy.
- Pre-requisite ECON 400, 410 and co-requisite of ECON 470 or 570* or permission of instructor
- Advanced Econometrics (ECON 571). Empirical methods to measure the impact of new policies and other actions in markets.
- Pre-requisite ECON 470 or 570*
3. New opportunities for experiential education. These 500-level classes now satisfy UNC’s experiential education requirement:
- Advanced Micro Theory (ECON 510)
- Advanced Financial Economics (ECON 525)
- Advanced Topics in Industrial Organization (ECON 545)
- Health Economics (ECON 550)
- Economics of Education (Econ 551)
- Topics in International Economics (ECON 560)
- Applied Econometric Analysis (ECON 570)