Laura McCready and Chenxi Yu received the Senior Honors Prize this year for the outstanding senior honors theses written during the academic year. The two are pictured at right with Professor Geetha Vaidyanathan, the Honors coordinator for 2013-2014.
Laura’s thesis topic is “The Educational Effects of Parental Incarceration”, a study of educational attainment of children with parents in jail compared to educational attainment of those whose parents were not incarcerated. She was advised by Professor Boone Turchi. Laura has been admitted to Yale Law School, but she has deferred her start there to work as a research associate to Professor Bereket Selassie ( at UNC.
Chenxi’s thesis topic is “How does Women’s Preconception Health Status Affect Infant Health?”. She was advised by Professor Donna Gilleskie. Chenxi will begin the Ph.D. program in Public Policy at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University this fall.
Congratulations to both of these excellent students and scholars! Thank you to Professors Turchi and Gilleskie, their research advisors, for providing them with such expert supervision.