Alex Weng
Depression and Risky Health Behaviors
Applied Microeconomics, Mental Health, Labor Economics, Economics of Education
Ihsan Alp
Platform Competition and Product Differentiation in Two-Sided Markets: Insights from the Vacation Rental Industry
Industrial organization, Applied microeconomics
Katsuhiko Nishiyama
Medical Debt, Self-Insurance, and the Value of Health Insurance for the Non-Elderly
Labor economics, Health economics, Applied microeconomics
Lu Yi
The Evolution of Equity Ownership: Declining IPOs, the Rise of Private Markets, and Economic Dynamism
Finance, Financial econometrics
Noah Lyman
Reputation, Entrenchment, and Dynamic Managerial Incentives
Applied microeconomics, Labor economics, Applied microeconometrics
Yanru Lee
The Global Latent Risk Factor in Corporate Debt Distress: Frailty and Spillover Effects
International finance, Empirical finance