2018-2019 Job market candidates
The 2018-2019 placement director is Jon Williams.
Jeff Ackermann
The Effect of Franchising on Store Performance: Evidence from an Ownership Change
5, 4
Ihsan Alp
Platform Competition and Product Differentiation in Two-Sided Markets: Insights from the Vacation Rental Industry
Industrial organization, Applied microeconomics
Pulasthi Amarasinghe
Migration and Transfers in Extended Family Networks
Development economics, Labor economics
Lucas Argentieri Mariani
Government-owned Banks and Development: on Unintended Consequences of Bank Privatizations.
TEST Macroeconomics, Finance, Development Economics
Estonia Black
School Selectivity Decisions and Discrimination
Search and matching, Information theory
Martin Braun
Good Schools: inferring short- and long-run returns to school quality from observational data
Applied microeconomics, Economics of education, Applied microeconometrics
August Bruno
Parenting Decisions and Child Skill Development
Applied microeconomics, Labor economics, Environmental economics
Jose Alfonso Campillo Garcia
A Wild Bootstrapped t-test Robust to all Identification Categories
18, 21, 21
jacamp22@live.unc.edu | Visit Jose Alfonso‘s personal website
Andrew deJong
The Effect of Common Ownership on Pricing: Evidence from the Airline Industry
Industrial organization, Applied microeconomics
Karlye Dilts Stedman
Unconventional Monetary Policy, (A)Synchronicity and the Yield Curve
16, 15, 18
Calebe Figueiredo
Global Long-run Risk and International Business Cycles: A Factor-Stochastic Volatility approach
18, 16, 23
Matthew Forsstrom
Abortion Costs and Single Parenthood: A Life-Cycle Model of Fertility and Partnership
Ning Fu
When the Honeymoon is Over: The Effects of Family Structure on Child Cognitive and Non-cognitive Achievements
Sofoklis Goulas
The Effect of Compulsory Attendance on Academic Performance
Jiadong Gu
Data Trade and Consumer Privacy
Microeconomic theory, Information economics, Industrial organization, Financial Economics
Yanran Guo
Taxing Top Incomes in the World of Entrepreneurs
Macroeconomics, Entrepreneurship, Firm Dynamics, Wealth and Income Inequality, Taxation
Sharjil Haque
Does Private Equity Over-Lever Portfolio Companies?
Finance (Non-Bank Financial Intermediation, Corporate Finance and Leverage Dynamics)
Joshua Horvath
The Effects of Charter Schools on Traditional Public School Students in North Carolina
Julien Isnard
Pricing Distortions from Attribute-Based Emissions Standards: A Study of CAFÉ
Applied microeconomics, Environmental economics
Lakshita Jain
How Do Firms Use Finance When Interest Rates Are Low for Long?
Macroeconomics, Finance, International finance
Rayan Joneydi
Choosing a Contraceptive Provider: Access, Awareness and Fertility Decisions in Urban Senegal
Pyoungsik Kim
Labor Market Search, Illness, and the Value of Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance
Applied microeconomics, Labor economics, Health economics, Applied microeconometrics
Chan Kim
Expected Returns of Liquidity Providers with Automated Market Makers
Financial econometrics
Daehee Kim
The Marriage Premium on Health: A Structural Analysis using an Equilibrium Search and Matching Model of Marriage and Divorce
Labor economics, Health economics, Applied microeconomics
Jacob Klimek
The Dynamics of Health Behaviors, Pregnancies, and Birth Outcomes
Health economics, Applied microeconometrics, Applied microeconomics
Yanru Lee
The Global Latent Risk Factor in Corporate Debt Distress: Frailty and Spillover Effects
International finance, Empirical finance
Sang Yun Lee
Government’s sequential selection for state-owned enterprises in case of equitization in Vietnam
Macroeconomics, Political economy, Development economics
Tianqi Li
Demand Estimation with High-Dimensional Consumer Demographics
Econometrics, Microeconometrics
Hanwei Liu
Stock Return Quantiles and Conditional Asymmetry: An Approach to Portfolio Selection
18, 20
Eli LoCicero
Raising Rivals' Costs Through Product Characteristics: Evidence from Remanufactured Goods
14, 3
Noah Lyman
Reputation, Entrenchment, and Dynamic Managerial Incentives
Applied microeconomics, Labor economics, Applied microeconometrics
Alex Marsh
Revenue Management with Reallocation
Industrial organization, Applied microeconometrics, Applied microeconomics
Zachary Mozenter
Easy as A-B-C: The Effects of Teacher Grading Standards on Student Outcomes
3, 17, 9, 13
Katsuhiko Nishiyama
Medical Debt, Self-Insurance, and the Value of Health Insurance for the Non-Elderly
Labor economics, Health economics, Applied microeconomics
Alexander Pearson
Why Don't African Countries Trade More With Each Other? The Role of Border Crossings in General Equilibrium
2, 6
Ishan Phadke
Rewarding Incremental Innovation: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Line Extensions
Industrial organization, Health economics, Applied microeconometrics
Yan Qian
Climate Change Risk and Uncertainty, and Housing Returns
Empirical finance, Financial econometrics, Asset pricing, Climate change finance
Garrett Scott
Screening with Refunds: Evidence from the Airline Industry
Industrial organization, Applied microeconomics
Brad Shrago
Fuel Price Beliefs and Consumers' Responses to Price Fluctuations: The Choice between Gasoline and Diesel Vehicles
Ayushi Singh
Heterogeneous Consumption Response to Fiscal Spending Shocks in Developing Countries
18, 6, 11
Jacob Spratt
Human Capital Spillovers and the Emergence of Smart Cities
jacobmichaelspratt@gmail.com | Visit Jacob‘s personal website
Ivan Suvorov
All or Nothing: Health and the U.S. Social Security Disability Insurance Program
Labor economics, Health economics, Public economics, Development economics
Mariya Sviderskaya
Monetary policy and specialization of output and trade in resource-rich countries
Macroeconomics, International economics
Khushboo Thakkar
Trade Credit under a Pro-Creditor Bankruptcy Regime
Empirical finance, Macroeconomics
Eddie Watkins
The Dynamic Effects of Recycling on Oligopoly Competition: Evidence from the US Paper Industry
14, 3, 24
Alex Weng
Depression and Risky Health Behaviors
Applied Microeconomics, Mental Health, Labor Economics, Economics of Education
Lu Yi
The Evolution of Equity Ownership: Declining IPOs, the Rise of Private Markets, and Economic Dynamism
Finance, Financial econometrics